Sunday, May 2, 2010

Mt. Pleasant Publix ROCKS!!! $158 in coupons = $11 OOP!!!

So today was the last day I could use my $3 Snuggle coupons to get overages. I figured my best bet was the Mt. P Publix. It was!! Not only did they have Snuggle at a price that would generate my overages, but they are so coupon-friendly there, too. I got $9.45 in overage for buying 15. Awesome. My other overage-providers were the 13 Zantac ($16 in overage), $2 Schick overage, $1 for "buying" the 4 Vaseline Sheer Infusions (my ab fave body moisturizer), and $8.40 for buying the Tylenol. At that point, including the $10 off $20 Kmart q I had a $45 credit. . . couponers unite!!! haha! I even had a customer nearby notice my technique and comment, "stick it to tha' man!" WTH?? I about choked! I'm not trying to "stick it" to anybody, but at least he understood that the manufacturer's pay for the groceries - too funny. I had to laugh! And PS - included in this $11 OOP were 3 Hallmark cards that are not pictured - If I would have paid full price for them it would have cost $8 just for the cards alone!
Snuggle, anyone?

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